Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Why is social and emotional learning such an important part of understanding gifted and high achieving students?

As parents and teachers we know that every child is unique, learning styles vary, and every student comes to us with their own set of needs. This holds true within the gifted and high achieving group of students as well. One gifted student may struggle immensely with transitions which causes daily meltdowns. Another may take a very long time do their work because every step must be perfect in their own mind. Or, a student may follow every rule and complete every assignment as expected while feeling frustrated that others aren't doing the same. It is important to acknowledge the array of social and emotional strengths, struggles, and sometimes extreme difficulties that make up the gifted community of learners. It is often thought that these students should be the best, brightest, and easiest to teach. No group of students will ever fit that mold, and gifted students are no different.