Spanish - Year 9

How and when will I study Spanish?

In Year 9, you will continue with your study of Spanish with a view to embarking on a GCSE course in Year 10. The lesson allocation will again be 5 hours per fortnight. 

The course is taught through electronic media and is based on engaging and authentic material, including  great video clips and real Spanish text. It is supplemented by Scaffolding for Productive Language, which is bespoke, editable content enlivened by great images, and our colourful and imaginative content is uploaded to Google Classroom daily, so that students can review  it  at home.  If you don't have it already, we strongly encourage downloading Google Classroom on mobile phones or other devices you may have. The Gatwick School also subscribes to Linguascope for great interactive activities. Click on  the fish icon above. Login details for students are available from MFL staff. The Gatwick School also subscribes to Linguascope for great interactive activities. Click on  the fish icon above. Login details for students are available from MFL staff.

Vamos a comer! - Let’s eat!

This theme is studied from September to November.

Vamos de compras - Let’s go shopping!

This theme is studied from November to January.

What else should I know?

¡Vamos de vacaciones! - Let’s go on holiday!

This theme is studied from February to May.

¡Vamos a la clínica! - Let’s go to the surgery!

This theme is studied from June to July.

¡Vamos a Barcelona! - Let’s go on to Barcelona!

This theme is studied periodically throughout the year.


You will definitely need to do some homework each week in order to ensure your success at language learning. This will be one or more of the following.

Note: there is  never any week that you do not have homework in Spanish. You should be doing at least one of the above regardless.

How will I be assessed?

You will always get plenty of feedback from your teacher as you go along, but there are also formal eAssessments each half term, which cover all four language skills each time.

This means a short electronic test on a locked, school-managed Chromebook in which the teacher plays some short Spanish audio recordings twice each, and you answer from a range of usually five multiple choice answers. There is also a transcription section in which the teacher reads out a sentence in Spanish and you type out what you hear. Spelling and accents do not have to be totally accurate when testing this skill.

Each week you will complete a Personal Response Question or PRQ, in which you will devise an answer using a range of quality, scaffolded material. You will need to learn 5  questions of which you will be asked 4 in a random order. You will do your eSpeaking via video link to the classroom to give you some privacy and your teacher will talk to you using headphones. You must also ask the teacher a question related to the topic, which you can prepare in advance.

This is another type of short eAssessment conducted on a locked Chromebook, in which you have  to answer for a range of multiple choice answers related to a very short text. There is also a  translation sentence, in which you are asked to translate a sentence from Spanish into English.

For many, this is the most challenging of the four language skills. However, it is also based on the same PRQs and you are asked to type out our four PRQ responses to see how well you can write in Spanish. In this eAssessment, correct spelling and placement of accents do carry weight. There is also a translation sentence in which you have to translate a sentence from English into Spanish.

Beside the four languages skills eAssessments, you should expect eVocab tests at various points throughout the course.  These are very quick to do but will give you and your teacher a good indication of how well you are taking in new vocabulary.