French - Year 7

How and when will I study French?

Students starting their secondary education should ordinarily have studied a language regularly in the primary phase  and therefore have created a good foundation on which to build their language skills.  Those already at The Gatwick School will have done mainly Spanish, whilst those joining us from other schools may well  have done French. A minority may have done another language entirely or even very little or no language.  For this reason, we split the Modern Foreign Languages allocation of 5 hours of lessons per fortnight and share this time equally between French and Spanish, so that everyone gets to try everything. In practical terms, this means one half term there are 3 hours of French and 2 hours of Spanish per fortnight and the other way around in the second half of the term.

Both languages are taught through electronic media based on engaging and authentic material, including great video clips and real French text. It is supplemented by Scaffolding for Productive Language, which is bespoke, editable content enlivened by great images, and our colourful and imaginative content is uploaded to Google Classroom daily, so that students can review it at home.  If you don't have it already, we strongly encourage downloading Google Classroom on mobile phones or other devices you may have. The Gatwick School also subscribes to Linguascope for great interactive activities. Click on  the fish icon above. Login details for students are available from MFL staff.

Un coup d'œil aux bases - a glance at the basics

This theme is studied from September to February.

What else should I know?

Miam ! - Yum!

This theme is studied from February to July.

Chez Mimi  -Mimi's place

This theme is studied periodically throughout the year.


You will definitely need to do some homework  each week in order to ensure your success at language learning. This will be one or more of the following.

How will I be assessed?

You will always get plenty of feedback from your teacher as you go along.

Listening and reading are student-assessed with guidance in class, whereas as developmental advice on speaking and writing is by the teacher.

You will be expected to be able to reproduce your Personal Responses Questions informally in lessons class at this stage.

These assessments are entirely online on a locked, school-managed Chromebook and consist of up to 20 bespoke multiple choice questions, with 5 answers to choose from, and a good level of challenge for all.

The stimulus can involve both reading and listening,

as well as vocabulary in a context.

There will be 4 of these eChallenges throughout the year in French.

Beside the eChallenges,  you should expect eVocab tests a few times per term. These are very quick to do but will give you and your teacher a good indication of how well you are taking in new vocabulary.