Ms.Daniels' Class

Welcome to Ms. Daniels' class!

This page will help you find things that we will be using during our virtual learning experience! We will have a great year together from afar, until the time we can be back together again!

If you ever need anything you can reach out to us and we will be happy to help you.

Reach for the Stars!

We started the year reaching for the stars by thinking about our hopes and dreams for the school year! Check out our hopes and dreams Padlet by clicking on the pictures!

Our Class Rules

During the first weeks of school we brainstormed the things we would all need to do to have a fantastic school year. We especially considered how we would need to include some special ways to be respectful and responsible while learning online. Finally, took the ideas and turned them into our class rules. These rules were created by the class, for the class. We all agreed to do our best each day to follow them. Check out our rules by clicking the slide.

Class Resources

Weekly Schedule

Here is a copy of the daily work plan that was sent home at the beginning of the year for you to print if needed.

Amy's Daily Work Plan

Here is a copy of the daily schedule.

Ms. Daniels' Schedule
Daniels - Staggered Start Slide Show 2020

Staggered Start Orientation Slideshow

Remote Open House 2020

Remote Open House Slideshow

Since we can't go to the library right now, epic! is a great website for us to use to access books and magazines! This site is full of books for you to read and listen to. Click the picture to go to the site.

Virtual Classrooms

Check out these virtual classrooms for more fun reading and activities to enjoy. Find the links by clicking around on the pages with your child. They will be added to or changed up periodically throughout the year :)

Nature is a wonderful part of our world! Enter this virtual classroom to read a variety of National Geographic Kids magazines.

Take a brain break and learn some origami... There's a lot to choose!

Enter this virtual classroom to read more about the weather!

Looking for books on diversity and inclusion? Check this classroom out!

Schoolhouse Rock rocks!! These are some of my absolute favorite learning videos. Enter and enjoy!

For a wild time, check out some animals at the zoo!

Google Voice Phone: (919) 446-5191
