Ms. Case's Class

Welcome to 1st/2nd grade with Ms. Case! I am looking forward to our year together. Whether it is remote or in person, we will have fun, learn a lot, and make memories together!

Check out the slides below to learn about Ms. Case!

Meet the teacher, Ms. Case

To Review the information received during the staggered start orientation, click on the slides below.

Ms. Case's Orientation

Our Class Rules

  1. Be Nice!

  • Be nice by taking turns talking, focusing on the speaker, telling your classmates "good job" by using gestures, and using nice words.

  1. Be Safe!

      • Be safe by only going to the places on the internet that your parents or teacher have approved, and sit safely in your chair.

3. Follow Directions Quickly!

  • Be a super fast falcon and not a slow sleepy turtle!

4. Use the correct voice level!

  • Make sure you mute when you're not supposed to be talking. Speak clearly and loud enough so everyone can hear you when it is your turn to talk.

Ashlynd's Daily Work Plan

Here is a copy of the daily work plan that was sent home at the beginning of the year for you to print if needed.

Ms. Case's Schedule

Here is a copy of the daily schedule.

Watch this video about digital classrooms, and then explore the ones I've added below!

Kindness corner - Google Slides.mp4

Take a break from all of your hard work with one of these brain breaks!

Brain Breaks 1

Have some extra time? Take a look at all of these books about Kindness. Click on the book to listen!

Kindness corner

Phone: (919) 576-0157
