Essential Services
How would existing services react, cope? Would the most essential services be available when needed? Can we expect cooperation from government? When societies have collapsed in the past large numbers have died, and the locality became more important than the town.
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Discussion Points.
Role for SES, police, military and Council
Are authorities likely to be adaptive or rule-bound?
As heat approaches 50C how do we keep cool
Solar powered air conditioning needs to be invented
Wildfires and protection with petrol shortage, EV fire brigades
How recuperate after firestorm, cyclone, flooding
How replace gear, hospital equipment, solar clinics, hospitals
Security: regional, patrols, guns, tasers
Outside intruders, theft from locals, protect stores, cars
working bees, integrate refugees from the coast and cities
Health, dentistry, eyes, nurses, doctors will need support
Pharmacists and herbalists make drugs
Drug supply, alternatives as imports dry up
Training more professionals
How much of this needs to be in place quickly, before its too late