Opening Number

Opening number costumes

*Costumes are DIY, not included

Costume requirements: Black bottoms (leggings, shorts, etc) and a solid blue shirt (no writing, designs, etc)

if your dancer is only in the opening number

Dancers registered for Opening Number can perform in any of the 6 recital shows. If they are ONLY performing in Opening Number in any given show, they will not require a colored security bracelet. There will be a location marked at the recital for these dancers to go to upon arrival.  Parents will drop their dancers off in this location during check in AND pick their dancers up directly after the Opening Number performance at the same location. TDC staff will not be responsible for these dancers - so please decide and plan accordingly.  

If a dancer is in Opening Number and ANY other performance in a show, they will need a security bracelet, they will check in/out as normal and they will remain backstage for the entire show.  

For ALL check in/check out info please see the "Check In & Check Out" tab.