Core Collaborative Leadership INQUIRY Cadre

Solve Current Problems of Practice with Appreciative Inquiry and Impact Teams

We must take collective action to truly reimagine education.

First Fridays | Nov–May | 10-11:30 AM Pacific (1-2:30 PM Eastern)


Each month we will harness the power of Impact Team Inquiry to solve current puzzles of practice rooted in the five building blocks from our groundbreaking MTSS Framework. This will strengthen multiple systems of support, where students are empowered to take ownership of their learning through self-assessment, peer assessment, reflection, and goal setting.


School and District Leaders | Teacher Leaders & ILT Teams | Family & Community Leaders | Mental Health Leaders | Interventionists

Core Collaborative Leadership Cadres

First Fridays | Nov–May | 10-11:15 AM Pacific (1-2:15 PM Eastern)

Envision Success through Collective Action

May 6, 2022 | 10-11:30 AM PST (1-2:30 PM EST)

Special Guests | TBA

Hosts | Paul Bloomberg, Isaiah McGee, and Isaac Wells

Obstacles to opportunity are not evenly distributed. If we are genuinely concerned about the future of education, we have to collectively act on today’s inequalities. Currently, we serve students who have encountered more obstacles and carry more trauma than most in any modern generation. These opportunity gaps call for collaborative leaders to unlock these mindsets and make a commitment to strategic innovation.

This kind of bottom-up approach starts with being open, inclusive, and alert to what is going on right now. Then, strategic innovation begins with long-term planning that amplifies the stakeholder’s voice to ensure diverse perspectives. During our final session, teams will be collaborating in inquiry groups to discuss optimal conditions. Ultimately, they will design collective actions for co-designing schools for the future based on the inquiry series.

Additional Resources:

Leadership Inquiry Cadre Goals

Co-design a new narrative through collective action that is inclusive of the communities, families, students, and educators we serve.

Grow healthy learning identities and learner agency in our students by cultivating their academic, social, and emotional capacity.

Co-construct the success criteria for evidence-based, human-centered, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) that honor the dignity of all learners, families, and educators in our systems.

Collaboratively we have the energy to accomplish our dreams and goals if they are grounded in moral purpose. Teaming for impact requires each of us to model and practice empathy, vulnerability, active listening, and out-of-the-box thinking.

Empower Teacher Agency = Empower Student Agency

The Core Collaborative Learning Network specializes in expanding holistic, learner-centered systems. We do professional coaching and learning for schools, systems, and you. Looking for a partner, you can trust to help you meet and surpass your professional learning goals, connect with us. Professional learning: it's what we do!

Brian Roy

Executive Director of Learning Partnerships

Sarah Stevens

Executive Director of Quality Implementation

Ready to expand your leadership expertise?

The Core Collaborative offers personalized coaching that supports your system take collective action to truly reimagine education. Our team will match you with the right skills and a personality that complements your own. Learn more by selecting a link below.