Summer 2020: Learning Activities

ELA Activities

  • Complete your summer reading assignment and post it on your portfolio along with reflections of the books you read
  • Complete the Renaissance reading test (if you haven't done so already - see Google Classroom)
  • Form a book club with your classmates to keep in touch
  • Form a writing group with your classmates and start a literary magazine
  • Review your teacher feedback and create a page in your digital portfolio of 2020-2021 goals
  • Continue to add to your 'quarantine diaries' page in your digital portfolio with pictures, videos, and reflection
  • Start a passion project: create a cooking show, podcast on an obsession, or curate articles dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement -- and share it with us!

#Quarantine Screen-Break Activities

  • Interview the oldest member of your family and create a timeline project documenting major life events and milestones
  • Create a one-actor play and perform it for your family
  • Set up a living room picnic for ones you love
  • Handwrite a letter to your BFF and include fun doodles - drop it in the mailbox!
  • Journal what you see, hear, and smell outside your window. Let it become a story.
  • Learn to bake or cook something
  • Sing and dance to your favorite tunes. Create a playlist and share with your friends.

Self-Care Bingo From STARS Advisory

STARS Self-Care Bingo Everyday Heroes Edition
5/11/20 STARS Self-Care Bingo Friendship Edition