The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd.©

Reviving the heART of Nursing.


The Birth of TheCIINDE©

The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd. © {TheCIINDE© - pronounced KIND} was born in 2020. The year 2020 was named the year of the nurse by the World Health Organization, and this was also serendipitously when we launched TheCIINDE© and offered our first course in holistic nurse coaching-both being the first of its ‘kind’ in Canada. We could not have foreseen how needed this program would be on a global level as events of the pandemic continued to escalate, and nurses were at the forefront of a crumbling health care system.

What is TheCIINDE©?

TheCIINDE© is an innovative organization dedicated to improving whole health and well-being for both nurses and their clients.  

What began as the desire to create a program, quickly evolved into the accredited educational institute that we are sharing today. TheCIINDE © came together from a collective desire to increase awareness around the power of holistic nursing and nurse coaching, particularly in Canada. Our mission at TheCIINDE © is to revive the heART of nursing by advocating for a holistic care approach that integrates eastern and western philosophies beginning first with the health and wellbeing of the nurse. We are reimagining the advancement of nursing by advocating for the expansion of holism and healing in nursing practice. We have the power to reimagine a world where we are proactive in our approach to healthcare, rather than reactive.  We believe this is the heART of nursing!

We believe that healing, or coming to a place of balance and harmony, is a unique and authentic process. It encompasses our individual stories, life patterns, fears, traumas, belief systems, thoughts, ancestors, lineage, and energetic programming; and, is the sum of every single choice, lesson, and life experience we have. Therefore, we believe we should not compare any aspect of our journey to that of anyone else. We are each so bio-energetically different that our response to diet, medications, supplements and lifestyle is radically individualized. At TheCIINDE ©, we support individuals in tuning into their own innate intelligence and finding freedom in their body, mind, and spirit. True freedom occurs when we realize our boundless potential and when we observe our body's capacity to heal itself.  

With a growing emphasis on our collective and global health, TheCIINDE© is committed to creating a global community of nurses who support, encourage, and inspire one another to enhance the overall well-being of both themselves and the collective. As we revive the heART of nursing, we envision a world where nurses honor nurses, support one another, and advocate for adopting a lifestyle where self-care is embedded in everything they do. We can shift how we reflect on our health as we care for ourselves as individuals, as families, and as a global community. We can find new and innovative ways to strengthen our commitment to caring and living wholeheartedly, while also advocating for healthy people on a healthy planet.

Outside the Box Thinking

Nursing truly is a calling of the spirit, an inner nudge to ease the suffering of others and to bring comfort and joy to humankind. It is a noble profession, yet it doesn't mean that it comes easily to nurses. In fact, of all the services to humanity, nursing is one of the most difficult and challenging services one can offer. We must learn to support ourselves and one another in attaining and sustaining optimal health, wellness, and wellbeing. It is time to think outside the box that defines and confines nursing practice. 

Nursing Shortages & Burnout

The current and future anticipated nursing shortage is a global health issue. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep cracks in Canada's health care system and the nursing shortage has reached a dangerous tipping point. Clinical levels of burnout are at an all-time high, and nurses have reached a breaking point, with many leaving or on the verge of leaving the profession. Our vision at TheCIINDE© is to advocate for the advancement of holism and healing in both nurses and nursing practice. 

This is Advanced Practice Nursing

We believe when nurses with advanced skills in holistic nursing and nurse coaching practice to their full scope they can be key influencers in ‘well-care’, in preventing disease and promoting optimal health and wellbeing. We believe that all individuals deserve care that respects and honors their values, needs, and choices; acknowledges the role of environment, culture, social connection, the intricate connection between mind-body-spirit, and the healing process; and is grounded in evidence-informed/based research and practice.

Press Releases

ANCC Accreditation


The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd achieves ANCC Accreditation for Nursing Continuing Professional Development. 

ANCC accreditation demonstrates a commitment to delivering high-quality continuing nursing professional development.

The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd was granted accreditation for nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) in November 2021 from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to using evidence-based criteria when developing high-quality educational activities that promote the professional growth of nurses.

With this accreditation, The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd joins an influential global community of accredited organizations. We received accreditation for our innovative organization as we are dedicated to improving whole health and well-being for both nurses and their clients.

Our vision is to facilitate and advocate for the advancement of holism and healing in both nurses and nursing practice. We believe that nurses—especially those with advanced skills in holistic nursing and nurse coaching—can be key influencers in preventing disease, promoting optimal health and well-being, and in guiding others in bringing and sustaining positive change in their lives. It is our mission to promote and advocate for a holistic care approach that integrates eastern and western philosophies beginning first with the health and well-being of the nurse.

Our goal is to revive the heART of nursing by providing nurses with education, community, support, and the essential tools needed to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of those they serve. We believe that all individuals deserve care that respects and honors individual needs and choices; acknowledges the role of environment, culture, social connection, the intricate connection between mind-body-spirit, and the healing process; and is grounded in evidence-informed/based research and practice.

At The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd we are committed to creating a global community of nurses who support, encourage, and inspire one another to enhance the overall well-being of both the nurse and client. As we collectively revive the heART of nursing, we envision a world where nurses honour nurses, support one another, and are advocates for adopting a lifestyle where self-care is a part of everything that they do.

NCPD accreditation from ANCC elevates educational offerings that benefit our nurses, and the patients and communities we serve, by:

The ANCC Accreditation Model is based on the original Donabedian framework of structure, process, and outcome measures to evaluate quality. The ANCC standards provide organizations with a structured, evidence-based framework to design and implement NCPD activities. The development of quality outcomes ensures that accredited organizations continuously evaluate processes and their impact on the professional development of nurses.

This accreditation is in effect until November 2024. 

Learn more about ANCC NCPD Accreditation at 

With Gratitude,

Sherry Hole (Founder),  Kim Derkach (Co-Founder) &  Janessa DeCoste (Co-Founder)

CNA Accreditation 


The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd achieves re-accreditation with the Canadian Nurses Association. 

It is our pleasure to inform you that The Canadian Holistic Nurses Association (CHNA) and The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education (TheCIINDE©) has received CNA accreditation for the group learning activity, Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program.

The CNA Accreditation Program upholds standards of quality for continuing professional development for nurses in Canada. By accrediting your group learning activity through CNA, you are showing nurses that your program has been subject to a rigorous quality assessment and has achieved nationwide recognition.

This accreditation with CNA is in effect until January 2025.
