Network Analysis

What is a Network?

A network is a collection of object-like things that are connected.

Networks have two main components, nodes and ties (or links/edges)

    • Nodes are Object-like things (Nouns)
      • Examples of nodes: Students in a class, words in a novel, banks, concepts
        • we're mostly concerned with students
      • Nodes can have attributes (Gender, Noun etc)
    • Ties/Links/Edges are Connections between nodes (Verbs)
      • Examples include: Talked to each other, Are neighbors, Lent money, Sent text messageā€¦
        • we study the ties between students talking to eachother
      • Ties are Directional, Weighted, and Multiplex

Network Analysis

We use network analysis to study the students' interactions and how they contribute to their success in introductory physics

Social Networks and Modeling Instruction(MI)

Below are network plots depicting the change in students' social networks in two different environments (MI and Lecture). You can see that in the lecture class, the students' social networks remain largely unchanged while the students' social networks in MI grew.

Lecture Class

Beginning of Term

Lecture Class

End of term

MI Class

Beginning of Term

MI Class

End of Term

Publications on Network Analysis

Eric Brewe, Laird Kramer, and Vashti Sawtelle (2012, January 12). Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center. Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 8, 010101

Jesper Bruun and Eric Brewe (2013, July 12). Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and Force Concept Inventory pretest scores. Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 9, 020109

Eric A. Williams, Eric Brewe, Justyna P. Zwolak, and Remy Dou (2016, December 16). Understanding Centrality: Investigating Student Outcomes within a Classroom Social Network. Presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2015, College Park, MD, 2015