The Art Department

Welcome to The Blue School Art Department

We hope, through this website, we can give you an insight into our Department.

First and foremost it is a place where the students should feel safe enough to expand their comfort zone, brave enough to try, self aware enough to recognize the learning process is fundamental, and confident enough to celebrate their achievements.

The Art Team

A Level

Respecting Endeavour and Celebrating Success

At The Blue School students are surrounded, from the start, by stimulating, inspiring and thought provoking art work.

Work is displayed on a rolling programme around the school. Students recognise that one-day it may be their work up on the walls, inspiring the next cohort.

The commitment we have to display and celebration fosters a sense of ownership of the School site, feeding a culture of respect that is integral to our School ethos.

"Placing Art Work in areas with heavy student traffic is a risk and it is not normally possible in a school, however it is a risk we have taken and it has paid off. Students show respect for fellow students' endeavours and this has meant we can display in many areas normally deemed unsuitable."

Shilen Tanna

Head of Department

Current On-Site Exhibitions

  • Yr 7 Impressionist Landscapes hung in the Leadership Team's offices and Art Department corridors

  • Former Yr13 Personal Study Outcomes in the Milton Cafe

  • Year 12 Abstract Monday large scale paintings in the Milton Gallery.

  • Year 12 'Portrait that is not a Portrait' in the Milton Gallery

Yr 7 Impressionist Landscapes

Pencil Portraits Yr10

Abstract Monday Yr12

Off Site Exhibitions

One of the highlights of our 6th form calendar is an exhibition of their work in a professional gallery. This is a wonderful opportunity to feel the buzz and excitement of a real public show.

Andelli Art Exhibition, January 2022

The Show

The Work

Red Brick 2021 Vid.mp4

Red Brick Gallery Exhibition, July 2021

Andelli Exhibition January 2020

The Importance of Creativity

According to LinkedIn:

Creativity is the second-most in-demand skill in the world, with cloud computing at the top. But cloud computing is a hard skill, which means it applies to only a section of the workforce and doesn’t have the staying power a soft skill has.

Conversely, learning how to think more creatively will benefit you the rest of your career. And, macroeconomic trends suggest creativity will only become more important moving forward.

Hence, it’s no stretch to say creativity is the single-most important skill in the world for all business professionals today to master.

What is Creativity?

What does it actually mean to be creative? LinkedIn Learning Instructor Stefan Mumaw, who has authored six books on creativity, has this definition: “Creativity is problem-solving with relevance and novelty.”

Why Creativity is So Important Today: Process-Driven Jobs are Going Away

Using that definition of what creativity is, why is it the most important skill for professionals today?

It really comes down to commoditization. Today, basically anything that can be automated has been automated or soon will be automated, which cuts down on a lot of process-orientated tasks.

Use the example of the news industry. In the old days of newspapers, it took teams of people to set the layout of the paper, create the printing press, print the paper and then deliver it to subscribers. Today, with most news dispersed electronically, virtually all of that process-driven work is automated.

What’s left? Journalists who can tell news stories that cut through the noise and connect with people. That takes creativity; i.e. a relevant and novel solution – what are the stories that aren’t being told already that people want to hear?

That same phenomenon is happening across every industry and every function. Software companies don’t just want someone who can write code, they want someone who can dream up new softwares to fix old problems. Companies don't want business analysts who just crunch numbers; they want analysts who can think of creative solutions based off what the numbers are telling them.

Paul Petrone

December 31, 2018