
The Journey is the Destination

The Art Department at the Blue School is dynamic and yet studious. We strongly believe that creativity is a journey of discovery through experimentation and the sketchbook is the record of that journey.

We work hard to allow students to experience as many processes and techniques as possible, even in the early years. This exposure not only broadens creative horizons but gives students the confidence to try more new things, make mistakes and learn from them. Teaching a growth mindset from the very start bestows the emotional tools needed to navigate their own learning journey.

Each new process is documented and the outcome is evaluated both by the teacher and by the student and peers.


Mr. Shilen Tanna

Head of Department and Teacher of Art

Mr. Paul Crocker

Teacher of Art

Mrs. Victoria Tinney

Teacher of Art

Mrs. Dawn Garge

Teacher of Art

Mr. James Feghali

Teacher of Art and DT

Mr. Grant Davies

Teacher of Art and DT

Miss Amelia Hendry

Art Technician

Mrs. Ali Chetwode

Art Technician

Art and Student Wellbeing

In October 2019 we initiated a Student Voice feedback questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire was to get an overview of Student opinion of the Art provision in School. The feedback was enlightening in many ways but mostly because it highlighted, across all the years groups, that Students overwhelmingly see Art Lessons as a time to 'relax'. This was a word used repeatedly by students. In a time when mental health is at the forefront of Schools and Parents minds, we were delighted to hear from our students that they:

"Like art because it makes me feel relaxed"

"I love art because it is one of the main things I do in my spare time. It relaxes me when I am stressed"

Yr 7 Students

"It is fun to experiment with different techniques and find my own style"

"I find it fun and relaxing"

Yr 8 Students

"It gives me a chance to express myself and it helps me stay creative"

"I can express myself through art and I can reflect and improve"

"I enjoy it because it is fun and relaxing"

"I love learning how to make my artwork more creative and learning about artists"

Yr 9 Students

"Relaxing, fun and different environment"

"Fun, enjoyable and calming"

"I enjoy the freedom in art"

"Fun and a good way to calm down and express myself"

Yr 10 Students

"Relaxing to experiment and create"

"Relax from other pressures, allow creativity and experimentation"

"Relaxed and happy"

"Freedom and calm"

"Fun and you can do what you like and let your imagination run wild"

Yr11 Students

"It is relaxing and it pushes me out of my comfort zone"

"Very free and not many rules so it feels more relaxed"

"You get the freedom to do what you want, without being told to do certain things. You can use your own head"

"Lessons have a relaxed atmosphere and are very independent, which I enjoy"

"Relaxed and peaceful"

Yr 12 Students

"Allows self expression"

"Freedom and independence to explore creativity"

"I have a space to call my own that I can work in whenever I like"

"Allows self expression"

Yr 13 Students

These comments are just a snapshot of the feedback but they help illustrate the unexpected, but valuable, role of Art within the modern Curriculum.