Technology Tools and Setup

Best Practices to Support Virtual Learning

Prepare Your Learning Space

  1. It is highly recommended that you designate a space in your home to set up your virtual work space.

  2. Make sure that your chromebook/digital device is charged or plugged in and that your space is quiet and clean.

  3. Test your system. Make sure your device is working and that your speakers/headphones, microphone and camera (even if they are built in) are functional.

  4. Make sure that you have access to the suggested learning materials for virtual learning in your workspace.

Adopt a Daily Routine

  1. Routines are important in person AND while participating in virtual learning. This year, we have organized schedules with specific class meeting times. We recommend sticking to the schedule to practice a consistent routine and stay on track for when we return to school in person.

  2. Make sure that you take brain breaks throughout the day. Mr. G. will be supporting us with live activities throughout the week and has provided a list of activities that can be used to help give your brain a break throughout the day.

Come to Class Prepared

  1. Complete assignments and download materials before class. Make sure that you come to class prepared and have completed any assignments from the previous day or that were assigned as homework prior to class. If there are materials required for the class period, make sure that you have them ready to go.

  2. Practice virtual meeting etiquette. Make sure that your mic is muted and your camera is off when you first join a meeting. Make sure your cell phone is muted and put away, just as it would be during a regular school day.

  3. Get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast and make sure that you are as prepared to start the day virtually as you would be in the classroom.

Remember, this is a real class!

  1. Virtual classes are real classes. We will be assigning real grades and counting virtual instruction as a part of the school day. Students are expected to attend virtual learning experiences, submit assignments and participate actively just as they would a normal school day.

In Need of A Device? Request a Device.

Helpful Tutorials to Support Virtual Learning