Behind every successful woman, is herself.

What is GirlUp?

Girl Up is a United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign. We envision a world where every girl can reach her full potential.

A world where girls lead the way to bigger dreams and happier days, healthier communities and stronger nations.

A world where girls are empowered and our future is brighter because of it.

Our Aim

We are a community, a community of like minded individuals coming together in hope to educate similar young adults about gender equality, equity and women empowerment.

We also aim to create an impactful change in the society when it comes to female education and

We plan to work at the grassroots level, with the ignored section of the society because we want them to feel that they can achieve anything, become anything.

At the same time we will focus on developing leadership skills and public speaking of young adults as they rise to become the leaders of tomorrow and contribute towards the cause.

Our ultimate agenda is to build a community that is safe for them to express their feelings and opinions without discrimination, keeping the notions of change and equality at hand.

There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. When girls rise, we all rise!

Enactus x GirlUp

Girl Up TIET and Enactus Thapar are working together on Project Naritva,

A social venture that aims to locally manufacture and distribute bio-degradable sanitary napkins at inexpensive prices to the sub-urban and rural belt of the country.