Contact us

GirlUp is a platform that allows young girls and women channel their potentially suppressed energy and compassion. We all as humans, need morale boosters and we aim to help everyone. One of our priorities is to give people a better knowledge about feminism. Being a very sensitive issue,people often misunderstand the meaning of feminism and often tend to link it with just upliftment of women.

We at Girl Up will work on the true meaning of feminism that is to break gender stereotypes and bring in equality.

We are all geared up to address any issue faced by every female and every other gender within our reach. Girl Up is an inclusive environment where we all have joined hands in order to create a difference. We aim to provide you all with a listening ear and raise our voice against every unjust action that is stopping you to be your "authentic" yourself. It is time for you to make yourself heard by your very own people.


If you want to share or if you know someone who is willing to share. Rest assured your privacy will not be effected and your secret is safe with us.

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Call us at:

+91-7042649337 (Shreya Sandhu)

+91-9773514065 (Rachit Agarwal)