
My Maps Controls

Go to :

then click the three bars

and choose

'your places'



Things you can do with myMaps

Add a layer

Add a line

Add an area

Slide the area around the map.

Add a pin

Add Photos and Youtube video to the pin

Change layers

Add data

Lets Collaborate on one - what is your dream place to visit - add your info to THIS MAP (could be - Where do you/your family come from ?

steps ;

1. Type a search into the search box eg Bora Bora

2. 'Add to map'

Adding data to a MyMap

1= Add Layer

2 = Change the style of this layer

3 = How the data is styled

4 = Number of gradations of the data

Once finished you can export the map to open on Earth , choose to Export to KML

You can also import data into a layer and visualize it on the map

Import data from HERE and HERE

For More Help with Google MyMaps check out the fantastic resources from the Earth Outreach Team