Grade 7 Curriculum

Systems and Cycles

Students in grade 7 focus on systems and cycles using their understanding of structures and functions, connections and relationships in systems, and flow of matter and energy developed in earlier grades. A focus on systems requires students to apply concepts and skills across disciplines, since most natural and designed systems and cycles are complex and interactive. They gain experience with plate tectonics, interactions of humans and Earth processes, organism systems to support and propagate life, ecosystem dynamics, motion and energy systems, and key technological systems used by society. Through grade 7, students begin a process of moving from a more concrete to an abstract perspective, since many of the systems and cycles studied are not directly observable or experienced. This also creates a foundation for exploring cause and effect relationships in more depth in grade 8.

Unit 1: Earth's Systems and Human Activity

Chapter 1: The Earth System

Chapter 2: Plate Tectonics

Chapter 3: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Chapter 4: Natural Resources

Unit 2: From Molecules to Organisms and Ecosystems

Chapter 5: Biomes and Ecosystems

Chapter 6: Interactions with Ecosystems

Chapter 7: Animal Behavior and Reproduction

Chapter 8: Plant Processes and Reproduction

Unit 3: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

Chapter 9: Electricity

Chapter 10: Magnetism

Unit 4: Energy

Chapter 11: Energy and Energy Resources

Chapter 12: Energy, Work, and Simple Machines

Chapter 13: Thermal Energy

Students will be using the Mc-Graw Hill series for Science this year. There is an online textbook which can be found at:

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Their password is t3wksbury