National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan

National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan (NTESDP) 2011-2016

Building on the gains and lessons of two previous NTESDPs, The 3rd Cycle NTESDP 2011-2016 outlines innovative strategies to guide the major TVET actors on the courses of action that need to be carried out tot address the economy's future skills requirements.

The 3rd Cycle NTESDP 2011-2016 headlines the pivotal contribution of technical vocational education and training (TVET) to the national goals of inclusive growth and poverty reduction in the medium-term. It serves the following purposes:

  • It outlines the major directions, including specific strategies, policies, and programs for TVET; and

  • It serves as a guide for the multifarious TVET players so that coherence and alignments in its implementation are advanced. This Plan is currently in the process of updating in line with the government's new thrusts for inclusive growths.

November 2, 2011