About Us

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) was established through the enactment of Republic Act No. 7796 otherwise known as the "Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994", which was signed into law by President Fidel V. Ramos on August 25, 1994. This Act aims to encourage the full participation of and mobilize the industry, labor, local government units and technical-vocational institutions in the skills development of the country's human resources.

The merging of the National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC) of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education (BTVE) of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), and The Apprenticeship Program of the Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) of the DOLE gave birth to TESDA.

The fusion of the above offices was one of the key recommendations of the 1991 Report of the Congressional Commission on Education, which undertook a national review of the state of Philippine education and manpower development. It was meant to reduce overlapping in skills development activities initiated by various public and private sector agencies, and to provide national directions for the country's technical-vocational education and training (TVET) system. Hence, a major thrust of TESDA is the formulation of a comprehensive development plan for middle-level manpower based on the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan. This plan shall provide for a reformed industry-based training program that includes apprenticeship, dual training system and other similar schemes.

TESDA is mandated to:

 At the same time, TESDA is expected to:

Overall, TESDA formulates manpower and skills plans, sets appropriate skills standards and tests, coordinates and monitors manpower policies and programs, and provides policy directions and guidelines for resource allocation for the TVET institutions in both the private and public sectors.

Today, TESDA has evolved into an organization that is responsive, effective and efficient in delivering myriad services to its clients. To accomplish its multi-pronged mission, the TESDA Board has been formulating strategies and programs geared towards yielding the highest impact on manpower development in various areas, industry sectors and institutions.

Vision, Mission, Value and Quality Statement


The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the government agency tasked to manage and supervise technical education and skills development (TESD) in the Philippines. It was created by virtue of Republic Act 7796, otherwise known as the “Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994”. The said Act integrated the functions of the former National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC), the Bureau of Technical-Vocational Education of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (BTVE-DECS) and the Office of Apprenticeship of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). 


The transformational leader in the technical education and skills development of the Filipino workforce. 


TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant standards, and implements programs geared towards a quality-assured and inclusive technical education and skills development and certification system. 

Values Statement

We believe in demonstrated competence, institutional integrity, personal commitment, culture of innovativeness and a deep sense of nationalism. 

Quality Policy 

"We measure our worth by the satisfaction of the customers we serve" 


Strategic Decisions



Value Adding


Citizen focus


Direction Setting

Direction Setting

Crucial to TESDA's role as the TVET authority in the country is its capacity to steer and provide guidance to the sector. With the end in view of setting out clear directions and establishing priorities, the availability of timely, relevant and accurate information is of essence. Data gathered through the conduct of researchers and studies shall be disseminated to enable the TVET stakeholders to make informed decisions. With quality information, TVET policies and plans shall be formulated that will serve as the blueprint for TVET implementation in the country.

Policies, Plans and Information

Programs and services relating to these concern embody the role of TESDA as the authority in technical vocational education and training (TVET). These are aimed at providing clear directions and priorities for TVET in the country. These include the formulation of plans and policies for the TVET sector and the generation through researches and studies and the dissemination of relevant data and information for informed decision of stakeholders of the sector.

Pro-active Job Matching Process

TESDA shall SEEK (jobs) through domestic and international market intelligence report to pinpoint specific job requirements. TESDA shall FIND (people) the right people who can be trained to fit the jobs in partnership with NGOs, social welfare agencies / institutions, school and community organizations. TESDA shal TRAIN (people) using standards of quality for TVET developed in consultation with various industry sectors. This pro-active matching process contributes to the best job-skills fit. TESDA also focuses on increasing productivity of implemented training programs by assisting individuals or groups who prefer to go into micro business, small and medium enterprises of enterprenuership training.

 Standards Setting and Systems Development

Another pillar towards the realization of TESDA's authority role in the TVET sector is to ensure quality through the provision of standards and system development services. Competency assessment and certification of workers is continuously done in pursuit of professionalizing skilled workers.

Support to TVET Provision

In view to the need to provide equitable access and provision of TESD programs to the growing TVET clients, TESDA continues to undertake direct training provision. There are four training modalities - school-based, center-based, enterprise-based and community-based. These are being done with the TESDA's infrastructure in place - 57 administered schools, 60 training centers, enterprise-based training through DTS/Apprenticeship and community-based training in convergence with the LGUs.

Institutional Capacity Building

For TESDA to provide the required services and live up to its core business, it must muster internal capacity and capability. It is necessary to build its competencies along various requirements of its responsibilities in direction setting, standards setting and systems development and in supporting TVET provision. Institutional capacity building also involves the installation of the TESDA quality management system at all levels of the organization.