ML2N Face to Face Sessions

Through participation in the Mathematics Learning & Leadership Network (ML2N) which will include both networked learning and experiential learning opportunities District School Board (DSB) math leadership teams will actively engage in, model, and champion knowledge mobilization practices (see Figure 1 below). These practices will include; finding, evaluating, using, and sharing high quality evidence; creating opportunities for knowledge exchange and co-learning; and, encouraging and supporting others in applying these practices.

DSB mathematics leadership teams, will also be applying their learning to the implementation and monitoring of the Renewed Mathematics Strategy and achievement towards the strategy’s desired outcomes of:

  1. increased student achievement, well-being and engagement in mathematics,
  2. increased educator math knowledge and pedagogical knowledge,
  3. increased leader use of knowledge of effective mathematics pedagogy to provide the necessary supports and conditions for school and system improvement, and,
  4. increased parent engagement in their children’s mathematics learning.