Understanding the Role of Community in the Math Classroom

Discussion Board Assignments

Units One, Two and Three: Understanding the Role of Community in the Math Classroom, Math Talk, Establishing a Safe Community for All Learners


Choose from the following resources:

As our classrooms and communities become increasingly diverse, it is important that we develop a deep understanding of the role of educators in engaging in culturally responsive pedagogical practices.

Respond in Module 3 - Unit One, Two and Three

Indicate what resonated most with you and what you are wondering regarding establishing classroom norms, math talk and /or culturally responsive pedagogical practices. Find a resource in the Leadership Symbaloo that supports leadership moves to support a mathematics learning environment. Respond to the post of others.

Module Three - Synthesizing our Thinking and Learning:

Self Reflection-Revisit assignment one - The Vision of the Math Learner- and make any additions, deletions, or revisions based on your current thinking around effective learning and teaching of mathematics and leading mathematics in your context. This will be shared on line at the end of the course with other course participants.