Twice Exceptional learners

According to the Colorado Department of Education: Twice-exceptional students are those who are identified as gifted according to state criteria in one or more of the categories of giftedness (cognitive, academic, creative, leadership, or arts)


Identified with a disability according to federal/state criteria – and the disability qualifies them for either an IEP or a 504 plan.


Making Connections – Technology to Bridge the Gap

  • Google Read & Write - Offers speech-to-text and text to speech features for writing and reading

  • Notability app - Aides in taking and organizing notes across school subjects

  • SnapType - Helps students keep up when writing, spelling or penmanship make it difficult (download to iPad or Chromebook)

  • Livescribe/Smart Pen - Aides and organizes note-taking, records lectures

  • Vyond/GoAnimate - Fosters engagement for learning and demonstrating learning, "The app enables students to produce videos, creating characters, scenes, and plots that illustrate their learning content. In addition, it provides students with language skill practice and incorporates text-to-speech technology."

  • Blabberize - Fosters engagement "...a website resource that allows students to animate any image to make it speak."