Social Emotional NEEDS

Gifted is different, not better.

Labeling is identification and information, not destiny.

The name implies unmerited, not arrogance.

The knowledge of it is power, not an easy path.

-Lisa Van Gemert

Do gifted children exhibit characteristics other than academic that I should be aware of?

YES. from Ian Byrd at “While gifted students look perfect on paper, their teachers know that in the classroom they are not all the academic angels and stellar scholars that people assume they are. Successful teachers of the gifted require a special understanding of their students’ social and emotional needs.”

Be aware that strengths and potential problems can be flip sides of the same coin. Strength: diverse interests and abilities; versatility Potential Problem: may appear disorganized or scattered; frustrated over lack of time…

Gifted students’ physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth is often uneven. Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm…

Gifted students may doubt they are actually gifted. “Am I really that good?” crops up as a constant refrain. Some gifted kids deny their talents, burying them under a guise of “goof” or “know-it-all”; many of these kids have trouble with self-acceptance…This is known as “impostor syndrome”.

Gifted students may face social challenges not just from peers, but parents and teachers as well. Teachers in secondary schools, in particular, have tried to disprove the talents of individual students, saying, in effect, “Prove to me you are as gifted as you think you are.”

As they get older, gifted students may take fewer risks. Highly gifted children may tend to focus on what they can already do well because their only standard of acceptability is perfection. To some gifted children, a “B” is tantamount to failure, which limits your risk taking/making behavior to the ol’ stand bys: areas in which you have excelled in the past.

Gifted students can have surprisingly heightened emotionally sensitivity. One aspect of the “down side” of this sensitivity is a child’s feelings being easily hurt. This includes a low or no tolerance for perceived criticism from others. The operative word here is “perceived” since actual criticism is not necessary to upset a child who is highly sensitive…

Gifted students are often shy, know they’re shy, and know that shyness is looked down upon. Americans believe that introversion, sensitivity, and childhood shyness are problems that need to be fixed…yet research on gifted children shows that the majority of them are introverted, and many are sensitive due to their heightened awareness of self and others…

Gifted students’ abstract intuition may conflict with teacher’s desire for concrete thinking. As teachers understand these differences between the insight-driven N students and their own preference for the concrete S activity, they can then begin to plan and implement the mode of instruction that will produce the highest results for each type’s learning preference…

Gifted students needs cannot be met by one style of learning. There is a common belief about the preference of gifted students for individual learning. Interestingly, in this study, both types are distributed almost equally in gifted adolescents. Therefore, it is likely that gifted students can benefit from both group projects and individual projects to a maximum extent provided that teachers have the flexibility to teach to different styles of thinking…

Gifted adults wish they were better informed about giftedness as children. My highly gifted adult subjects wrote about many of the changes they would make in their childhoods. They wanted more information and confirmation of their intellectual differences…

adapted from “10 Facts About Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted”

How does the school provide support for our gifted students?

In addition to academic programming, gifted students are served through a variety of programs that address their unique social and emotional needs.

• Individual counseling

• “Friends” groups

• “Lunch-Bunch” groups

• Transition support (building change, college planning)

• Targeted seminars (underachievement, perfectionism, goal-setting, metacognition, etc.)

for more information on specific areas that aaffect advanced learners


SENG Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted, a national organization that encourages local support groups for parents of the gifted.

Gifted Guru A link directs you to several sites and blogs that provide thoughtful suggestions and guidelines.

NAGC - Scial Emotional Resources

Because gifted children demonstrate greater maturity in some domains over others, they may be at greater risk for specific kinds of social-emotional difficulties if their needs are not met.

4 Life Lessons To Teach Gifted Kids (and one for you, the adult) Sure, finding the appropriate academic challenge is important, but there's more to life than learning than Calculus.

7 Signs of Unhealthy Perfectionism - Being a perfectionist isn't necessarily a bad thing, but what are some signs to look for if you suspect it's turning unhealthy for your child?

Are We Pathologizing Lack of Gifted Achievement? - So your kid hasn't cured cancer and they're getting ready to graduate high school. What went wrong along the way?

The Power of Introverts - In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated.

BOOKS available for Checkout - Please contact Kari Clements if you would like to read one of the following books.