Te Kōpuku High
Whare Tuakana
To develop a generation of Maaori students with the self-belief that as Maaori they are capable of designing innovative, sustainable, successful futures for themselves, their communities and their world.
This includes supporting mokopuna to develop their bilingual ability (Maaori and English) and ensuring they are grounded in te ao Maaori .
Gaining experience and qualifications
Mokopuna are encouraged to explore and refine a personalised Ara or pathway made up of components of learning and experiences to gain a qualification or qualifications that will enable them to pursue multiple options when they leave school. They can select from kura-based opportunities and community-based opportunities.
Kura-based Opportunities
Mokopuna have the opportunity to engage in a range of activities designed to activate the brain to achieve the optimal learning zone and develop and apply life skills.
Mokopuna also explore tauora-specific learnings through whakataetae aa whare.
“Whakaora i te mauri o te mokopuna i roto i te Haa”
“Whakatō i te mauri o te mokopuna i roto i te whakaako”
“Whakatau i te mauri o te mokopuna i roto i te auaha”
“Whakaoho i te mauri o te mokopuna i roto i te kotahitanga”
Ngaa Kai a Ngaa Atua
Integrated Projects
Mokopuna have the opportunity to learn using a kaupapa-based approach which involves the integration of two or more subject areas. They can gain Level 1, 2 and/or 3 NCEA credits from these projects including literacy and numeracy.
Ngā Ihotea
Specialised Courses
Mokopuna have the opportunity to extend their learning in specific subject areas including:
Specialised science
Earth and Space
Physical Education
Specialised Social Sciences
Media Studies
The Arts (Painting, Photography, Design)
Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Rangatira
In partnership with Te Kura (Correspondence School), we also offer additional specialised subject areas.
Whai Hua
Mokopuna have the opportunity to enrol into the Trades Academy at Wintec.
Link to further information here
Work Experience, Internships and Apprenticeships
Mokopuna have the opportunity to experience the work force through work experience, internships and apprenticeships.
Short Courses
Mokopuna have the opportunity to engage with short courses to further equip them with life skills. Examples include:
Day Skipper's Licence
Scuba Diving Licence
First Aid Certificate
Site Safe Certificate