Standard structural components are often used in the development of hybrid integrated circuits. Advanced thick-film materials allow to implement a wide range of topological structures, which in turn provide a solution to almost any design idea.

The ability to metallize and fill holes with a conductor, providing breakdown voltages in the interlayer insulator in a wide range of values, creation of specialized coatings for solving assembly problems, production of precision resistors and many other possibilities - this is the potential of modern thick-film technology.

Single-sided boards of hybrid integrated circuits produced by thick-film technology are the first level of complexity. Such boards allow to implement simple electronic components or can provide circuitry with a solid-state IC with the subsequent possibility of sealing in the package. Such boards also allow to implement complex systems with multiple solid-state circuits on one board. In this case, the thick-film technology allows for the implementation of chip interconnections and circuitry.

Two-sided and multi-layer boards of hybrid integrated circuits with metallized holes have found wide application both for creating 3-D systems and multi-chip modules, such microelectronic systems are the most complex embodiment of thick-film technology. In this case, thick-film technology allows for multi-level chip interconnections and circuitry using both direct chip mounting and flip-chip in one system.

About Film Electronic

Founded in 1983, we at Film Electronics are pioneers of Thick Film Hybrid Microcircuits. Equipped with state-of-art facilities and a team of experts, we are committed to develop high quality customized products.



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Email: info@filmelectronics.in