

Current Nutrition: Human Body Composition - Metabolism & Cretan/Mediterranean Diet

photo slide ssdd TEI

The Summer School in the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics / School of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition of the University of Applied Sciences Crete – T.E.I. of Crete, will take place at the premises of the Department in Sitia, between Wednesday the 22nd of August until Thursday the 30th of August 2018.

Official Language

The official language of the Summer School is English

Target Group

Number of participants: 25

  • Undergraduate students (last 2-years of studies)
  • Graduate students
  • Post-graduate students
  • Practising scientists

All applications will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the program. Priority will be given to the applicants with relevant studies in the field of Nutrition & Dietetics, as well as to early applicants.

We welcome foreign students or scientists of Nutrition and/or Dietetics, or Biological/Health Sciences or Natural Sciences. The participants may have graduated or study at the last year of their curriculum.

Greek practising scientists or post-graduate students (but not undergraduate students) will be considered also, based on their specialty (Medicine, Dietetics, Nutrition, Food Science and/or Technology, Nursing, Sports Science, Biology, Chemistry) and relevant activity (as presented in their CV).

Candidates not accepted in the 2018 Summer School, will be considered by priority in the next summer school of 2019.

Laboratory of Dietetics & Human Body Composition