Cybersmart Term 3

Term 3 focus Smart Relationships: I know how to interact with others online and make smart decisions about what information I share.

7 August | 7 o Here-turi-kōkā: Replying to Blog Comments

We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.

We are learning how to respond to comments on our blog.

When someone leaves a comment on our blog we need to think about how we respon

Ako | Learn

how to reply to comments

Hanga | Create

helpful tips on how to reply to comments

Tohatoha | Share

reply to comments on your blog


    1. Has anyone commented on your blog recently?
    2. TOP TIP: Look at the side bar of your Home| Kainga page for TĀKUPU | COMMENTS
    3. How can you reply to comments in a kind, positive and helpful way.

Today you will work in groups of 3:

1, 2, & 3

4, 5, & 6

7, 8, & 9
