Educator Forms

Make a copy of the google IPDP form and rename it to include your name (ie. Susan Wile's IPDP).  Next add your three SMART goals.  Make sure that these goals are related to how you intend to earn you CEUs for professional learning over the course of your five year license.  For example, Over the next five years, I will participate in TTech, attend webinars, and online courses to improve my skills in integrating technology in the classroom. Answer the other questions on the form as applicable and then share the form with Susan Wile in the google drive.

  Use this form to track your professional development.   Remember you need to submit CEU's and other documentation as evidence of your professional development along with the tracker when you renew. 

Documenting Your Learning

CEU Proposal Form -  Complete this form if you attended a training from a provider  who is not on the pre-approved list but you would like credit for attending the training.  The explanations do not need to be long just enough that the LPDC can tell how long you spent learning and that what you learned applied to your current position.  Submit form to the LPDC.

Equivalent Activity Proposal Form - Complete this form if you have a project in mind that you think will contribute to your learning and the learning of others and you think the LPDC should provide CEUs for your learning.  An example maybe the creation of a flipped unit using new tech tools.  Describe the project, what you expect to learn and the amount of time you expect to learn.  (This is usually before the project!)

Documentation of CEU Proposal - This form is used to document time spent on an approved activity where you do not have a CEU certificate to show your time.  An approved equivalent activity is an example.  Involvement on a district committee, mentoring a student teacher, attending a training at the ESC where you were not given a certificate are all exampled.

Individual Book Study Form- If you read a great professional book to enhance your practice, the team may award you CEUs if you complete this form. 

Gifted PD tracking form - This form is for tracking the PD required to provide gifted services as a general educator. 

Time to Renew

By April 1st of your license renewal year, submit the following to the LPDC

If you are leaving Tecumseh Local Schools for another district, you must complete this form before you leave!