- Featured Keynote Speaker-
Kim Strobel
Kim Strobel is a teacher, an education consultant, a motivational speaker, and a happiness coach. In her 20 years of professional experience, she has partnered with teachers and students at all levels to implement innovative and inspirational practices in the classroom, increase academic achievement, and create positive school-wide climates. She is a sought-after presenter and speaker and has recently taken her mission to “reimagine education” to the national stage, motivating audiences at education conferences in Atlanta and Las Vegas.
When Kim’s not firing up educators with her signature mix of excitement and experience, she’s a die-hard runner, an advocate for her community’s abandoned animals, and a gal who loves spending time with her husband Scott, their four children, two grandbabies, and four fur-babies.
- Techs4Tex Foundation Board of Directors and Members -
Ann DeBolt
Ann is an Instructional Technology Specialist for Hays Consolidated ISD. An early adopter (she started using the Internet before the World Wide Web or Google existed!), she continues to be amazed by technology - especially Google - and its potential in education. She has a Masters Degree in Educational Technology and is a Google Education Trainer. Ann believes that technology is a powerful tool that makes learning and life fun for all. Connect with Ann on twitter: @EdTxAnn or G+: +AnnDeBolt
Kellie Lahey
With over 30 years of classroom teaching experience, Kellie has the tools to help teachers develop the skills needed to create thriving classroom environments. Using Google Apps For Education is a great tool to use for achieving this goal. She is the Technology Coach for Collins Intermediate in Conroe ISD and is a Google Education Trainer. Connect with Kellie: website: www.GottaSecTech.com Twitter: @gottasectech Instagram: @gottasectech
Create, collaborate, and communicate using Google Apps: Together We're Better!
Caleb Hudgens
Hey hey! I'm so excited to have the opportunity to work with teachers across Texas! I'm an instructional technology coordinator in Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD, a Google Certified Trainer, and a pumpkin enthusiast living in San Marcos, Texas! I love bringing the world to students through the GSuite tools and allowing them to authentically engage with newly acquired knowledge to hone newly acquired skills. My main focus at work is removing stressful barriers that prevent teachers from enjoying the benefits of using technology. At home, my cat demands my focus -- but he likes to garden too so that's is ok. Connect on Twitter: @calebhudgens
Emily Herrin
Emily is in her 18th year of teaching, enjoying her role as a Digital Learning Coach in Hays CISD. She recently became certified as a Google Trainer and loves how simple and integrated Google Products make life in the classroom. Connect with Emily on Twitter: @emherrin
Jim Deeken
Jim is a 28-year veteran of Texas public education. He has been a middle school counselor for the last 15 years, and currently a counselor at South Belton Middle School in Belton Texas. He is the author and producer of the daily counseling podcast "5-Minutes with the Counselor.” Jim’s passion is Disney vacations and how to use technology to make our school lives less stressful. Jim is married with two college-age children. Connect on Twitter: @jdeek
Angela Matthews
Angela Matthews describes her educational career as that of a teacher turned Instructional Technologist turned Chief Technology Officer and back to Instructional Technologist. She began her career as an elementary teacher. She then supported teachers in the area of technology integration. Later in her career she became the Chief Technology Officer in a medium sized district and learned to understand the world of budgets, wires, switches and construction. Her passion for curriculum and technology integration never diminished so she put aside that role and went back to her roots of an instructional technologist. She is a Google Certified Educator and has trained, coached and pushed a lot of teachers to use technology to enrich curriculum and engage kids. Connect on Twitter: @matthewsangela
Charlotte Dolat
Charlotte Dolat is an Instructional Coach in San Antonio, Texas. A lifelong educator, Charlotte has worked with students, teachers and admin for 26 years. She has experience in offering professional development, technology integration, and differentiated instruction. She is passionate about helping educators transform their teaching to reach more students in a high-leverage way as well as building teacher leadership capacity. Most of all, for Charlotte, learning is all about making it FUN!! Connect with Charlotte on Twitter: @cdolat
Linda Coolbaugh
Linda has been in education for 21 years, and earned her Master's from Lamar University. She is the Secondary Instructional Technology Coordinator at SCUC ISD and is a Google Certified Level 2 working on her Trainer certification. Linda has a passion for technology in the classroom and loves working with teachers to collaborate and integrate technology. She loves sharing with other educators and learning from each other and is a huge sports fan. Connect on twitter @lindacoolbaugh