West-MEC Lesson Plan Writing

Welcome to Lesson Plan Writing at West-MEC!

Description: How should students in CTE be assessed? How do we set up a fair grading system for both teachers and students? Learn about the wide variety of options that address both of these issues to help you develop both your own philosophy for grading as well as effective strategies for multiple ways to assess student learning and progress. You will also leave with a greater understanding of how to align testing and evaluation to your course outcomes and grading policies that will increase effective feedback for students.

Good News! This course is worth one ADE Credit! In order to receive this credit, submit the homework assignment by the due date. Don't need credit? That's fine too! You will still receive PD hours through West-MEC for your attendance and participation today.

Slide Deck with Images (PDF of Presentation):

Lesson Plan 2018-19.pdf

Slide Deck/NoteTaker:

Use this link to create a copy to fill in online: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Hpj1IUANwU1KfguzTBueMHquf96YFS23QvA8LBkpmLs/copy

Lesson Plan SlideDeck/Notetaker 2018
HyperDoc Template (for student lesson) (mt)
Copy of 5 E's Lesson Plan Template

Make a copy of the "Show What You Know" Menu to use with your students:

Unit Plan Template:

Unit Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template:

Lesson Plan Template.doc

Sample Slide Deck from the Wiki Consortium:

Sample PowerPoint

Math Standards:

Math Standards

Sample Lesson from the Wiki Curriculum Consortium:

Technical Theatre Example Lesson

Copyright and Fair Use:

Copyright and Fair Use Activity