Resources for Pre-conference Workshop: Turning Ideas Worth Spreading into Talks and Presentations

The Martians in Your Classroom

EdTechTeam Playground: Session 6, Stage A


The first person to step foot on the red planet has already been born and could be a student in a classroom, a kid in your neighborhood, or a child in your own home. We are preparing the next generation for jobs that do not exist and for career paths that may not be in our communities, our countries, or even on our planet. The careers of the future are out of this world- literally! Join Rachael Mann on a journey to explore where we have been, what’s on the horizon, and what this means for us as educators. Regardless of your job title, subject area, or grade level, we are all here for one reason- to equip students for their future. It takes all of us to make this work happen. Prepare for Impact!