
As we venture into distance learning, teachers must take into account the needs of their students and build strong parent-teacher collaboration to ensure that learning continues.

What's New

TFM Effective Distance Learning Webinar Series (Recordings)

Through these 3 different webinar sessions, we hope you get to:

  • Webinar #1: Identify strategies to engage with students' family members to increase student engagement during distance learning.

  • Webinar #2: Identify strategies to measure student learning outcome.

  • Webinar #3: Identify strategies to incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into school programs.

We will be sharing the recordings of our recent webinars soon -- stay tuned!

Basic of Formative Assessment

An innovative formative assessment strategy can take failure out of the classroom. This would help teachers to identify the level and progress of the students’ understanding or skill, and could prevent any misunderstandings from getting worse

Conducting distance-collaborative activity

Distance learning leads to isolation. As such, collaborative learning is crucial to ensure that students are able to engage with their peers while enhancing individual learning. Here's how you can conduct distance-collaborative activities.

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