Improving distance learning in Malaysia

Amidst Covid-19 school closures, we want to ensure that learning continues for all children in Malaysia. Continuing our effort to be at the forefront of re-imagining education, we aim to establish a set of guides and resources for distance learning.

What's New

We constantly work with on-ground teachers and engage with research to curate and compile practical guidelines to improve Distance Learning.

Click on the latest guideline to access the full content.

Basics of Formative Assessment

An innovative formative assessment strategy can take failure out of the classroom. This guideline would support teachers in identify progress of students' understanding or skills

Conducting Distance-collaborative Activity

Distance learning leads to isolation. As such, collaborative learning is crucial to ensure that students are able to engage with their peers while enhancing individual learning. Here's how you can conduct distance-collaborative activities.

Distance Learning Webinars

Distance Learning Webinars provide a platform for all educators in Malaysia to connect and share their experience in distance teaching & learning.

We will be sharing the recordings of our recent webinars soon -- stay tuned!

Webinar #1

Engaging with students' family

Webinar #2

Measuring student learning outcome

Webinar #3

Incorporating Social Emotional Learning

Identify Who You Are

It takes a village to raise a child. To make distance learning work, it’s especially important for different parties to work as a team.
Click on the user profile you represent to access the guides and resources most relevant to you.