Teaching Strategies

As we venture into distance learning, teachers constantly deepening their knowledge and skills to bring dynamic learning in different learning setting

Basic of Formative Assessment

An innovative formative assessment strategy can take failure out of the classroom. This would help teachers to identify the level and progress of the students’ understanding or skill, and could prevent any misunderstandings from getting worse

Conducting distance-collaborative activity

Distance learning leads to isolation. As such, collaborative learning is crucial to ensure that students are able to engage with their peers while enhancing individual learning. Here's how you can conduct distance-collaborative activities.

Preparing for School Closure

This guide is prepared in light of recent spike in Covid-19 cases in Malaysia, and serves to help teachers prepare their students for a potential school closure and ease their transition into distance learning.

Effective distance teaching

As not all students have access to the internet or electronic devices, it is essential that teachers employ the right methodology and platforms to continue teaching effectively.

Low Bandwidth: Closing The Year With Your Students & Their Parents

With school closure due to COVID-19, it’s all the more important to ensure you, your students & their parents come together to review, reframe and make sense of the collective experience.

High/Medium Bandwidth: Closing The Year With Your Students & Their Parents

With school closure due to COVID-19, it’s all the more important to ensure you, your students & their parents come together to review, reframe and make sense of the collective experience.

Getting started in a social distancing classroom

The classroom is redesigned to ensure social distancing and it brings different questions to teachers on how to engage with students and ensure lessons are conducted effectively. Here's how you can prepare yourself on the first day/week.

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