Thank you for signing your child up to learn an instrument. 

We are very excited for them to begin their musical journey.  

Please read the below information carefully.

Where to get an Instrument

You can rent or purchase an instrument at one of the listed below music stores. Some stores may offer an incentive where if you rent an instrument, the money you paid for can be applied toward a new instrument when you choose to buy one. 

If you signed your child up to play an orchestra instrument, it is highly encouraged that you rent an instrument from one of these music stores, as string instruments come in different fractional sizes. To find out what size instrument your child needs, it is recommended that you show up to one of these stores in person with your child, that way they can measure and determine what size instrument they will need. If you rent a fractional size instrument, as stated above, the music store should apply a credit towards the purchase of the "full size" instrument once your child is ready for it.

If you have a used family instrument, find one at a yard sale or a neighbor has one for to use, please make sure you take it to a music store to be serviced. We do not recommend purchasing instruments from online (Amazon or EBay), however if you find one, please send us the link to look at it first in order for us to give you our professional input. 

Required Materials

Band Lesson Needs: 

Orchestra Lesson Needs

Please do not hestitate to reach out to us and ask us questions. Our contact info can be found here.