
Click on an instrument to watch a video about it. 

Scroll down to see where to get an instrument and the required materials.

There are no male or female instruments, 

children should pick the instrument they want to play.

Which instrument is right for you?

Woodwind Instruments

Brass Instruments

Percussion Instruments

String Instruments

 Band Instruments

flute     At Palmyra, piccolo is not played until at least the middle school level. Beginning on the flute gives a solid foundation for them to be able to advance to the piccolo when ready.

oboe This small instrument focuses on using your fingers in unqiue combinations to change your sound.

clarinet  This small instrument is most similar to the recorder and has a rich sound. 

alto saxophone   At Palmyra, we start saxophonists on the alto saxophone. In Middle  School, they can switch to the tenor and baritone saxophone.

trumpet  This medium size instrument makes brillant sounds that everyone can hear.

French horn  This medium size instrument has a beautiful warm sound. 

trombone  Use your right arm to move the slide in and out to help you change sounds. This medium sized instrument has a low, bright sound.

baritone/euphonium  Use your fingers to push valves to help you change sounds. This medium sized instrument has a mellow and warm low sound.

tuba  This large instrument can be a little challenging for beginners to use.  We recommend starting on baritone/euphonium and then transisitoning to the tuba when the student is ready.

total percussion  Percussion is the largest instrument family. In order for your child to have a great start to learning this instrument family, we have students start by learning the bells and snare drum. You can buy or rent kits that have everything you need.

 Orchestra Instruments

violin - This is the smallest instrument of the string family, and is the highest sounding instrument of all the strings. This instrument is played under the chin and can be played sitting or standing. If your child likes to be the center of attention, this may be the instrument for them! In the orchestra, the violin receives many of the more difficult rhythms and melodies that make it stick out above the other instruments. Click on the violin link to see an example!

viola -   This instrument looks very similar to the violin, but it is a larger and lower sounding instrument. Many students choose this instrument over the violin because they find it does not have such a high/squeaky sound as the violin. The viola has a much deeper tone/sound. Students who enjoy the shape/size of the violin, but do not want the pressure or high pitch of the violin may choose the viola. Click on the viola link to see an example!

cello -   This instrument is larger than both the violin and the viola and is played while sitting down. One reason that the cello is so popular is because of its deep melodic tone. The cello’s range is that closest to the human voice. The cello is a very important part of the orchestra. The cello is given many of the creative harmonic parts and bass lines of the orchestra. Students who play the cello will not have to bring it back and forth to school. I will supply one at school for them to use, and they will keep their own at home. Click on the cello link to see an example!

bass -   This is the largest instrument and the lowest sounding instrument of the string family. The string bass is in charge of keeping the orchestra together. The string bass in the orchestra is just like the electric bass of a rock band. It is part of the rhythm section of the orchestra and is given all the creative beats. Many people who play the string bass continue on to play in groups such as jazz bands or they may even pick up the electric bass. Students who play the bass will not have to bring it back and forth to school. I will supply one at school for them to use, and they keep their own at home. Click on the bass link to see an example!

Where to get an Instrument

You can rent or purchase an instrument at one of the listed below music stores. Some stores may offer an incentive where if you rent an instrument, the money you paid for can be applied toward a new instrument when you choose to buy one.  If you have a used family instrument, find one at a yard sale or a neighbor has one for to use, please make sure you take it to a music store to be serviced. We do not recommend purchasing instruments from online (Amazon or EBay), however if you find one, please send us the link to look at it first in order for us to give you our professional input. 

Required Materials

Band Lesson Needs: 

Orchestra Lesson Needs