Size of the Problem

We learned that there are 3 sizes when it comes to problems.

  1. Small problems are ones kids can handle themselves.

  2. Medium problems may need some adult help.

  3. Big problems are emergency situations and need immediate help.

Based on the size of the problem, how should you react? If you drop a pencil, is that a time you should scream and stomp? No. That’s a small problem. Someone fell on the playground and you see a bone sticking out? That’s a big problem and you need immediate adult help. The question we use is “Does the size of your reaction match the size of the problem?”

With the help of Ms. Trevino (an intern), these 3rd grade students learned how to label a problem with the correct size in an interactive activity. They had to match up the problem with the size and talk about the proper reaction and solution.