CSM Anthony Oliver

Email: anthony.oliver@fwisd.org

Classroom Phone: 817-814-3445

Office Hour Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8286924343?pwd=UXNiZk10MlR4S2pNOFFVUGcySndDZz09

Meeting ID: 8286924343

Passcode: 664253

Command Sergeant Major Anthony James Oliver was born in Fort Myers, Fla.

He enlisted in the Army in January 1989. He graduated from 1st Battalion 3rd Field Artillery (FA) at Fort Sill, OK as a Cannon Crewmember.

His assignment include Alpha Battery 2ndand 3rd FA, Giessen, Germany, Alpha 2nd and 17th FA, Fort Sill, OK , HHB 1st and 15th FA, Camp Casey, Korea, Alpha and Charlie Battery 1st and 320th FA, Fort Campbell, KY, HHB 1st and 321st FA, Fort Bragg, NC, 54 th Forward Support Company, Fort Bragg, NC, Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, LA, 428th Brigade, Fort Sill, OK, 2nd and 4th FA, Fort Sill, OK

His deployment includes Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm, Kosovo, Yugoslavia in support of Operation Joint Garden, Mosul, Iraq in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Bagram Air Force Base Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

His military decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with (V) device for heroism, four Bronze Stars for Service, two Meritorious Service Medal, five Army Commendation Medals, nine Army Achievement Medals, numerous foreign and service awards.

He hold a Bachelors Degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College.