Native American Heritage
Native American Heritage Month
November 1 - 30
Every President since 1995 has issued annual proclamations designating the month of November as the time to celebrate the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of people who were the first inhabitants of the United States. Through dance, family traditions, and music, these stories show the diversity and long history of Indigenous people across the United States. Celebrate the history, culture, and traditions of American Indians and Alaska Natives!
Click here to see and listen to Mrs. Hunter read aloud Raven by Gerald McDermott.
Click here to see and listen to Mrs. Hunter read aloud Coyote by Gerald McDermott.
Click here to see and listen to Mrs. Hunter read aloud And Still the Turtle Watched by Sheila MacGill-Callahan, Illustrated by Barry Moser
After his anger erupts into violence, fifteen year-old Cole, in order to avoid going to prison, agrees to participate in a sentencing alternative based on the Native American Circle Justice, and he is sent to a remote Alaskan Island where an encounter with a huge Spirit Bear changes his life.
In the 1800s, a Choctaw girl becomes friends with a slave boy from a plantation across the great river, and when she learns that his family is in trouble, she helps them cross to freedom.
Coyote, who has a nose for trouble, insists that the blackbirds teach him how to fly, but the experience ends in disaster for him.
Raven, a Pacific Coast Indian trickster, sets out to find the sun.
A Native American boy with a special gift to "see" beyond his poor eyesight journeys with an old warrior to a land of mystery and beauty.
Rabbit outwits Coyote in this Zapotec tale which explains why coyotes howl at the moon.
In the late nineteenth century, a young Nez Perce girl relates how her people were driven off their land by the U.S. Army and forced to retreat north until their eventual surrender.
Recounts how a childhood vision shaped the life of Black Elk, a Lakota-Oglala medicine man who was involved in the battles of Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee.
An eleven-year-old Penacook Indian boy living on a reservation faces his father's alcoholism, a controversy surrounding plans for a casino on a tribal island, and insensitivity toward Native Americans in his school and nearby town.
Describes how the American military in World War II used a group of Navajo Indians to create an indecipherable code based on their native language.
While running away from home and an unwanted marriage, a thirteen-year-old Eskimo girl becomes lost on the North Slope of Alaska and is befriended by a wolf pack.
Left alone to guard the family's wilderness home in eighteenth-century Maine, a boy is hard-pressed to survive until local Indians teach him their skills.
In the year 1777, a group of Quakers and a party of Indians have a memorable meeting.
Teased for his fair coloring, eleven-year-old Jimmy McClean travels with his maternal grandfather, Nyles High Eagle, to learn about his Lakota heritage while visiting places significant in the life of Crazy Horse, the nineteenth-century Lakota leader and warrior, in a tale that weaves the past with the present. Includes historical note and glossary.
A poor boy becomes a powerful leader when Mother Earth turns his mud pony into a real one, but after the pony turns back to mud, he must find his own strength.
While on a field trip to New York's Museum of Natural History, Joe, Sam, and Fred travel one hundred years into the future, where they encounter robots, anti-gravity disks, and their own grandchildren.
The Time Warp Trio find themselves in the Wild West of yester-year, rubbing elbows with cowboys and Indians.
Once again, three friends are sent back in time by a magic book and find themselves prisoners of the evil pirate Blackbeard.
A turtle carved in rock on a bluff over the Hudson River by Indians long ago watches with sadness the changes man brings over the years.
This book examines the forced removal of Cherokee Indians from their native lands to the Oklahoma Territory, their subsequent history, and the legacy of these events.
Explores the experiences, traditions, beliefs, and culture of the Native Americans in early America.
Contains a history of the Navajo code talkers, Native Americans who devised codes using their native languages that were used by the United States military in World War II and never broken.
An introduction to the Apache people, explaining who they are, reviewing the history of the Apache, examining the life of Geronimo and other Apache warriors, and looking at how the Apache live in the twenty-first century.
Examines the history of American Indian tribes in Texas.
Examines the history of American Indians in Texas.
An introduction to the Caddo Indians that discusses their homes, clothing, tools, music, dance, art, and more. Includes instructions for an activity.