Unit 1: Foundations of Matter
A visual guide that examines the characteristics and significance of the elements of the periodic table, and explores uses for the elements.
A guide to chemical elements and the periodic table that features facts, experiments, and hands-on activities.
An illustrated fact book on science, providing information on matter and materials, energy and forces, the living world, and includes the periodic table and a glossary.
This volume examines the different states and properties of matter (solids, liquids, and gases), as well as the laws and forces to which matter is subject.
Examines the elements that make up the physical world and the properties and behavior of different kinds of matter.
Presents instructions for twenty-nine experiments on the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, each accompanied by science fair project ideas, and includes a further reading list and a directory of science supply companies.
Explains how chemical reactions work, explaining the science behind them and providing examples from everyday life, and includes related experiments.
In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Max Axiom as he explores the science of chemical reactions.
Explains fundamental chemistry concepts, and shows how engineers combine the science of chemistry with the engineering design process to solve challenges.
Weapons Technology moves from early submarines to "smart bullets" and stealth technology; and readers are walked through the design process of the F-35 fighter plane.
3D Printing runs the gamut from bioprinting (making skin for medical purposes) to creating stop-motion animation to printing tools in space to creating prostheses for injured animals. Environmental pros and cons as well as potential dangers (printed guns, for example) are also raised.
Explains how robots were first invented and how they have been improved over time. Some of the more interesting examples include robot companions, a drummer's robotic prosthetic arm, and "nanobots" being designed to fight diseases.
Explains what the STEM fields are, and describes the role of technology in monitoring and improving athletic performance, designing athletic clothing and gear, and providing real-time data in a variety of sports.
Presents a collection of chemistry science fair projects using french fries, gumdrops, soap, and other common household items.
Presents a short study of chemical change and includes facts on how the human body changes food into energy, how rust eats away metal, what makes fireworks, and more.