Course Syllabus

3D Sculpture By D.A. Nibbs 

3D Clay Sculpture By D.A. Nibbs 

Colored Pencil Drawing By D.A. Nibbs 

Welcome to the Creative Zone! In this class students will be introduce to various  mediums of art, such as abstract, still life, metamorphosis, perspective, portrait, cartoon,  and much more. I will also challenge my students imaginative and creative skills with art projects that convey a meaningful message, such as our annual Safe City poster, our Native American, African American , and Asian American month celebration projects. Along with some social awareness, news highlight, environmental awareness project, and much more.  I will give students ample opportunists to grow mentally and emotionally as they mature in preparation for a secure and successful future.

Course Title:  Art I, Draw II & Film              

Teacher:  David Nibbs.                                               

Course Description

Art I & Drawing II are beginning and intermediate courses designed to be an exploration of drawing techniques and concepts. Their aim is to develop expression and discipline in drawing with emphasis on skills development.

Drawing time is very important, but the class will also include instructional lectures, drawing demos, techniques reviews, along with production suggestions and final critiques for all assignments.         

Students will create a variety of drawings such as still life, abstract, surreal, landscape, and more while using and experimenting with a variety of mediums.

Students are encourage to keep a sketchbook in which they should draw at least 10 to 15 minutes per day, and for which they can receive extra credit.  

Students will be allowed to use a variety of resources like still life, drawing models, magazines, comic books, and a cell phone to view instructional videos or images for research in order to complete their art assignments.

Learning and executing  the basic and intermediate skills of drawing will help students to understand that drawing skills are developed over time with patience and practice, and will play a part in the creative growth for the rest of their lives. 

While taking this course students will also develop some very important life skills that are needed to ensure immediate and long term success in life. Such as;

Creativity –Students will be able to think on their feet, approach tasks from different perspectives, and think ‘outside of the box’.

Confidence – Students will develop the ability to deliver a thought or a message with confidence, and command of their language.  

Problem Solving – Students will learn how to create art through the solving of problems. They will learn how the skill of problem solving develops their ability for reasoning and understanding. 

Perseverance – Students will be encourage to try and try again, until they learn the skills and techniques that teaches them not to ever give up.

Focus – Students will develop the ability to focus through project base learning. They will learn how Keeping a balance between listening and contributing involves a great deal of focus and concentration. 

Receiving Constructive Feedback – Students will learn that feedback is part of learning, and it is not something to be offended by or to be taken personally.

Collaboration – Students will learn the importance of working together, sharing responsibility, and compromising with others to accomplish a common goal. 

Dedication – Students will learn to associate dedication with a feeling of accomplishment. They practice developing healthy work habits such as being on time, respecting the contributions of others, and putting effort into the success of their final work. 

Accountability –Students will learn that when they are not prepared or on-time their work suffer, and in the case of a team project others are let down. Students also learn that it is important to admit that you made a mistake, take responsibility for it, and make the necessary change. 

Course Curriculum Content

Student Learning outcome


1. Understand that drawing is a process requiring continuous decisions and explorations.

2. Understand that drawing is a skill that builds on perceptual skills in learning how to “see”. This includes: (a)edges(b)spaces, relationships (c)light and shadow (d) the whole or “gestalt” which is a set of things such as a person's thoughts and experiences considered as a whole and regarded as amounting to more than the sum of its parts

3. Understand that drawing is a form of communication. (personal insights, trial and error, no right or wrong way to draw)

4. Understand the elements and principals of design and how composition is established.

5. Students will be expected to use a variety of both wet and dry mediums to create drawings from direct observation/memory using many styles/subjects. (still-life, landscapes, figure, portraits, fresh ideas, personal experiences, printmaking)

6. Students will be expected to participate in both formal and informal critiques / assessments through writing, journaling, discussion. (peer interaction, portfolios)

7. Students will be expected to exhibit an understanding of the historical perspective of drawing through the years.

1. Art Production

2. Art History

3. Art Criticism

4. Aesthetic

Instructional Materials and Supplies



Weekly lesson plan given by teacher.

SUPPLIES NEEDED (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, HEB, Target, Office Depot, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s) Folder for written assignments/handouts, 8 x 10 or 9 x 12 sketchbook, Pencils (#2 wood cased, mechanical), Erasers– pick pearl, gum, kneaded gray rubber, white vinyl, Personal pencil sharpener, Sharpie brand markers (fine and ultra-fine) all colors, Colored pencils, Scissors, Glue stick/white glue (permanent), Clear, plastic ruler.

Evaluation and Grading

Numerical Grades and Their Meanings:


100-91 Outstanding Progress

81-90 Good Progress

70-80 Satisfactory Progress

69 and below Failing

I Incomplete

Other Information



1. Effort: Focused and constant work on all assignments for the ENTIRE class period. Put forth your BEST EFFORT on each lesson even if it is not your favorite. Wasting time is not acceptable. Sketchbook Journaling is always an option when there is idle time.

 2. Responsibility: You are responsible for bringing materials, cleaning your desk every day and maintaining your assigned duty. Not accomplishing these things will lower your grade for the course.

 3. Projects and sketchbook journaling are based on how well the work fits the criteria of the lesson rubric or objectives for each assignment. I also take into consideration CREATIVITY (wow factor), CRAFTSMANSHIP, EFFORT, and ATTITUDE.


Referral possibilities: 

3. Disrespecting others and their personal art space, artwork and supplies.

4. Refusing to work on one's assignments.

5. Disrespecting teacher or classmates.

Proper use and clean-up of all materials is expected. (keep personal supplies and artwork in your cubby, put all class supplies back where you got them from, clean your table area daily).

No personal grooming, inappropriate dress, electronic devices unless approved.

Minor infractions will result in detention before or after school.

Follow all other South Hills High School Policies.

As your teacher, I pledge to assist and encourage each of my students as they strive to attain the above art and life skills here in the Creative Zone.

The syllabus might be updated as needed throughout the School Year at the teacher’s discretion.