miss amy thakham

pronounced "tawk-umm"

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About me

Hello! My name is Amy Thakham and I am entering my fifth year at South Hills High School.

I am very passionate about inspiring young adults to be the absolute BEST they can be for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. My number one priority in the classroom is that my students feel valued and LOVED. I have an "open door" policy, meaning you can come to me with any questions or concerns at any time. I view my classroom and students as my home and family - we are in this together.

I am always in a good mood and LOVE to laugh - so bring on the jokes! I am ALWAYS listening to music and appreciate good design, whether it be art, fashion, interior design, architecture....ANYTHING! I am also very open-minded and love to explore and be challenged!

Click the image above to request a song to add to our classroom playlist!