Student Resources

Getting Started

Welcome back Eagles!  First, watch the videos Technology Tutorials and FWISD Password Reset 2020  (still good) to get started.  It will help you reset your password, log into Classlink, and explain how to use and access other apps including the online textbook.   Next, scroll down and click Student Tech Check to ensure you're ready. 

Be sure to download Canvas to your smartphone so that you have access to notifications in real-time.  I recommend you do the same with MS Outlook for student email.



Google Classroom Key




Scarecrow from the 1939 classic film The Wizard of Oz desperately wanted a brain.  He didn't think he had one.  Ironically it was Scarecrow who almost always came up with solutions to the challenges encountered along their journey (to see the Great Oz).  

What's the point?

Challenges are inevitable but not insurmountable.  Change your perspective.  Challenges are opportunities to grow.  Don't think you can, know you can

"If chaos is a ladder, attack the challenge and climb.  

Find solutions.  Improvise.  Adapt.  Overcome."