¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

We are living in a world that is becoming more and more global, meaning that the value of multilingualism, sensitivity to culture, connecting across disciplines, and being a part of community is ever increasing. I am excited to have your child in this new school year at T.A.B.S. The way to be most successful in this class is to fully embrace the Tornado Way encouraging students to be: ready, respectful, and responsible!

Nature of this course:

This course introduces students to the Spanish phonics system, the basic vocabulary, and the grammatical structure of the Spanish language. Students use the four basic patterns of language learning in their natural sequence: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Explorations of various aspects of the culture of the Hispanic world are integral part of this course. This course will assist students who deal with the public and encounter foreign language speakers.

SPANISH Syllabus

Resources/Recursos: SPANISH 1 and 2 Textbook/Libro de texto: AUTÉNTICO

With the recent adoption of the Auténtico textbooks for Spanish I through III, students will have a rich array of resources including the textbook online.

Within the first week of school, students will have access to the online learning resources through FWISD APPS.

SPANISH 6- Textbooks will be provided in PDF form during class.

ÚTILES ESCOLARES (school supplies)

Materiales Necesarios (MATERIALS NEEDED):

  • 1” Binder

  • One subject journal (ONLY USED FOR SPANISH)

  • Pencil or pen (black or blue ink only)

  • USB Flash Drive (Windows Compatible)

  • Highlighters

  • Kleenex Tissues

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Map colors

  • One set-Expo Markers (Dry Erase-Color Set)

¡Es importante que vengas preparado(a) a clase!

Respetuoso (Respectful)


  • Begin warm-up upon arriving to class

  • Remember that the teacher dismisses you

  • Follow makeup work policy

  • Use restroom during designated passing period

  • To be on time please make sure you are in the room before the bell rings

  • No passes will be written the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class period

Class Rules:

Arrive to class on time (be in your seat and ready to work).

Come prepared to class (laptop, journal, binder, pencil/pen, etc.)

Have a positive attitude and participate in class activities and discussions daily

Respect yourself and others (Show respect)

Meet deadlines.

Complete missing assignments within a 5-school day period after the due date


  • Verbal Warning

  • Parent/Guardian Contact

  • After - School Detention

  • Office Referral

Electronic Devices

  • Fort Worth ISD has a STRICT electronic policy. Any cellular phone seen or heard WILL be confiscated, no exceptions. Any failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action. See FWISD Student Code of Conduct.

Honor Code

  • Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable. Any form of cheating on assignments or exams is in violation of the honor code. It is in violation of the honor code for your assignments or any portion of them to be written by another person. It is also in violation of the honor code to copy, translate, paraphrase or transcribe your assignments or any portion of your assignments from any source.

  • Depending upon the nature and extent of the offense, potential sanctions are as follows:

    • a written warning

    • grade reduction or failing grade on the assignment involved

    • grade reduction or failing grade in the course

Responsable - (Responsible)

As a student it is your responsibility to keep track of your grade, turn in make-up work, and ask for help when you need it!

Calificaciones (Grading)

All grades will fall into the following categories: Assessments (35%), Special Projects (20%), Participation/Daily Work (35%), Homework (10%), Assessments include tests and quizzes. Assessments simply mean a tool to measure students’ performance and/or skills. Participation will include class participation, translations, skits, class work, daily warm-ups, bringing material to class, etc.

100%- 91% A

90% - 81% B

80% - 70% C

Below 70% F

Trabajo de clase y tarea:

· All work is to be turned in on the day it is due. Late work will receive a ten (10) point deduction per day late.

· If you are absent, check with me and get the make-up work. It is the students’ responsibility to collect all make up work and notes necessary (this includes tests and quizzes).

· If you fail an assignment or assessment:

o You have ONE WEEK from the date the grade is entered in Focus to ask for an opportunity to make up the grade. The highest grade possible for a make-up will be a 70. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a day and time after school during tutorials w/teacher.

· All writing assignments (unless instructed otherwise) must be handwritten.

Extra help:

· Tutoring is available by appointment. Students and parents may contact me via email, maricela.zambrano@fwisd.org or by calling the school at (817) 515-1660.

Syllabus Agreement


Syllabus Agreement

This syllabus is to be read over by parents and students and this page signed and returned by August 18-19, 2021. The syllabus is available online on the class website: https://sites.google.com/teachers.fwisd.org/sra-zambrano/home

I have read the syllabus online

and understand the classroom expectations.

Signature of Student: ____________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________

Contact Information:

Student Name: ________________________________________

Class period ________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________

Phone number: ________________________________________

e-mail: ______________________________________________

Best way to contact you? Email phone call text message

Best time to contact you? ______________________________

I am interested in being a parent volunteer at future events: yes no maybe