
Hey my little friends! I am so excited to have you in my class. This year we are going to do so many fun things and learn a lot. Get ready because Pre-K is sweet!

Virtual Classroom Expectations

1. Use kind words.

2. Keep the camera on during live sessions.

3. Keep your microphone on mute unless called on.

4. Be prepared to have class.

5. Do your best!

How To Receive Attendance

Below are two ways your student can receive credit towards class attendance for the day. If your student is unable to participate during live sessions they must engage with my pre-recorded lessons and submit the appropriate assigned activities for that day in order to receive credit towards class attendance.

Students must do one of the following:

1. Student attends live sessions.


2. Student engages with Ms. Robinson's pre-recorded lessons & submits appropriate assignment(s) for that specific day.

Scan the QR code or click the Seesaw icon to open Seesaw