Current Events Page

We visited the Dallas Holocaust Museum

  • Memorial to all the Jews persecuted and murdered during the Holocaust

  • Map of the Allies and how they closed in on Germany to end the war in Europe

Inside a railcar used by the Nazis to transport Jews to Concentration and Death Camps

Reading about Anne Frank and what ultimately happened to Anne and her family

Suitcases kept by the Nazis to sort through and keep valuables belonging to the Jewish people. Names are on them to give the false security the Jewish people would get them at their next destination, unfortunately, they never received them since they ended up at the various Death Camps in Europe

Concrete graph of how many Jewish people were murdered throughout the Holocaust

Jewish camp clothes. Students learned what each color star meant and how they were classified

Ms Saenz joined us and is watching a short video of how they were separated at the various camps

Part of Calzada's class moving along at the Holocaust Museum