
Historical Research

The collection and study of data to describe, explain, and understand actions or events that occurred sometime in the past.

Discussions and Debates

SPAR - Spontaneous Argumentation is a discussion based strategy that assists students' understanding of how to effectively use evidence in order to defend their opinion on a historical topic.

Power Dynamics

Power Dynamics is the study of history in the nature of power. We will explore how systems and institutions, like governments, use power to create (or destroy) societies and to understand the geopolitical nature of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Why does the United States act and expand the way it did and continues to do? Knowing this makes you a more informed student/citizen in how our own institutions function, and how they can be changed.

Social Movements and American Culture

We will discuss "What does it mean to be an American?" We will discuss race, class, language, religion, music, art, etc. We will learn about the various groups of people who make up the fabric of American History- indigenous and foreign. We will explore the various social movements that have propelled progress-- how they succeeded and where they failed. The present makes more sense when viewed through a historical lens. After taking this class, you will understand the world better.