
Let's enjoy schooldays!

Today, we started going to school. My host family's house is far from Mission College. We had a hard time this morning because we got caught in a traffic jam. I heard that in America, parents usually drive their children to school. I'm jealous. 👀 We had our orientation as soon as we arrived at school. Most of it was in English, but we could understand. During the question time, the teacher said, 'Not asking questions is the same as not understanding.' I would like to listen carefully to the teachers so that I can ask questions.

Asai Nana



Mission College Campus Tour

Mission College students guided us around the campus. The college is located in the heart of Silicon Valley. To me, the campus felt spacious, yet I heard it's smaller than the average American campus. There are many support systems available for students. For example, students can receive daily necessities for free and have access to comprehensive counseling. They can study various subjects, such as engineering and hospitality management. English programs are also available for international students. As we now have the opportunity to attend English classes, I'm looking forward to enjoying them!

Sawada Nana



We had lunch with an international student from Mission College today. I discussed Japanese anime, food culture, and recommended spots in Vietnam with a university student from Vietnam. I was nervous about interacting with a local student for the first time, but I managed to keep the conversation going and gained confidence.

Kamiya Remi


Interesting classes in Mission College!(Nathan's Class)

Our class began with a simple debating game, where a variety of opinions were shared, showcasing the diversity of thoughts among us. For example, when asked "If you have to choose between killing others or dying.", many Japanese students chose "I will die.", while many local students preferred "I will kill others.". This revealed significant cultural differences in our ways of thinking. Interacting with local students in this class helped me to expand my horizons. I am looking forward to putting in my best effort again tomorrow!

Nitta Konatsu


English Listening and Speaking Lesson (Li-Fen's Class)

Today, we had our first English lesson. We introduced ourselves in English and discussed the question 'What would you do if you won the lottery and suddenly became rich?' with students from various countries studying at Mission College. It was particularly refreshing and educational for me to have vocabulary explained in simple English rather than in Japanese.

Ohno Kazuma


English Listening and Speaking Lesson (Claudio's Class)

In our class, we played a bingo game filled with many challenging questions to get to know each other better. The questions were so difficult that it was hard to achieve a bingo. Afterwards, we introduced ourselves. We learned about our classmates' favorite things and hometowns, which made the session enjoyable. Finally, we used textbooks to learn new vocabulary and to practice listening. During the pair work, we were able to continue conversing in English with our partners.

Fuwa Minami


Today's summary -the 3rd day-

Today, we began our English studies at Mission College. Overwhelmed and inspired by the high level of English proficiency among the international students, we enjoyed our learning experience. Tomorrow, we will visit Apple and Google, and also attend an English class at Mission College. We will do our best to further improve our skills.

Sugata Tsumugi
