Research Based Instructional Strategies


What are the RBIS?  

The RBIS are a set of research-based practices that highlight misconceptions that are most common in the field. They cover topics that sometimes require conceptual or philosophical changes to how we approach instruction and form a set of practices that are supported by research and should be present in classrooms, regardless of instructional materials. These strategies are based in the science of how students best learn math and reading in K-12 classrooms. The RBIS also demonstrate why High Quality Instructional Materials are important and what is required to implement those materials well.

Why is it important to look towards the research? 

Research tells us there are clear best practices in instruction by content and associated topics such as assessment and supporting special populations. Because these practices directly connect to improving students’ academic achievement and experience, they should inform school, district, and state-wide visions for instruction and increase use of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). The RBIS also demonstrate why HQIM is important and what is required to implement HQIM well.

What is a High-Quality Instructional Material?

HQIM begins with a scope and sequence with assessments that covers all TEKS but also includes all teacher and student facing resources aligned to that scope and sequence. Minimally, a full HQIM includes:    

**One helpful note on terminology is that in Texas we actually use the term curriculum to refer specifically to the scope and sequence document organized by unit. However, when we say “HQIM” we are referring to that scope and sequence document in addition to the teacher and student facing resources that are aligned to the adopted curriculum. 

Focusing on Reflection and Improvement with Support from Research 

Questions to ask yourself around your LEA's mathematics teaching strategies:

Questions to ask yourself around your LEA's Reading Language Arts teaching strategies:

Resources to Learn more!

RBIS at a Glance

RBIS at-a-glance v.1.pdf

RLA RBIS Recorded Session

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